School Trips to: Isle of Wight

Isle of Wight
Museums & Galleries

Soak up learning from carefully curated collections of historical artefacts!

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Top Isle of Wight Museums for school trips

Our most popular Island museum and historical learning attractions based on bookings and customer feedback. Those in bold have FREE curriculum-related learning resources available for all Education Destination clients.

  1. Dinosaur Isle, Sandown
  2. Isle of Wight Steam Railway, Havenstreet
  3. Dinosaur Expeditions, Brighstone
  4. Brading Roman Villa, Sandown
  5. Calbourne Water Mill, Newport
  6. The National Poo Museum, Sandown
  7. Needles Old and New Batteries, Totland
  8. Newport Roman Villa, Newport
  9. Carisbrooke Castle Museum, Newport
  10. Shipwreck Centre, Arreton
  11. Wight Military & Heritage Museum, Newport
  12. Museum of Island History, Newport

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