107412 - Lower KS2 Mixed Ability
107413 - Upper KS2 Mixed Ability [THIS DOCUMENT]
On 13/12/2021 we identified that this resource may be slightly outdated:
A very small part of this resource makes visual reference to Fawley Power Station which has recently been demolished. The rest of the resource is fully useable.
Students spot landmarks on their journey between Southampton and East Cowes. As these are human features, there is a geography crossover aspect here. They will also be keeping a tally of types of sea-faring vessel they see on their journey.
This is an on-site PSHE resource that encourages students to interact with the landmarks and vessels they see from on a Red Funnel Ferry. Students work in teams to ‘spot’ landmarks.
In upper key stage 2 and key stage 3, they also have to keep a tally of sea-faring vessels, and key stage 3 students are asked questions about some of the locations and vessels featured.
All students will work together to find landmarks along the journey. Some will demonstrate an understanding of why these landmarks are located here. Some students will consider types of vessel and their uses.